The whole thing: The girls doing it NSFW content and selling it, the dudes buying into it mostly because they won’t have any of it in real life, the way society sees it… Thoughts?
Personally I think every adult woman can do whatever the fuck she wants with her body and sexuality, even sell it. But obviously there will be consequences later in life if she wants to became a mother… And it shouldn’t be like that anymore.
The dudes buying “their girlfriend” there is complicated. At first I made fun of them but now I realised for many men, myself included, is that fake sexual relationship (or even fake sentimental relationships) or NOTHING. I won’t buy any of that for myself, since the fake part kills any allure for me, plus preferring to keep that little money I got left in my wallet but I understand more why more men do it. Is their only shot to a reality close to a relationship, is that or AI girlfriends.
You might say fuck that, but in reality, there’s a fair chance future kids will have their mates seeing their mother in all sorts of graphic situations. They will see it themselves. That is a reality and I would never say ‘fuck that’ to my kids seeing their mother like that.
Edit. To the downvoters I’m sure you’d love to see your mum and grandma spit roasted, especially knowing your mates have all saved the videos. FFS. Grow up.