There doesn’t seem to be much going on in this forum. I wonder if one reason is that the UI UX is a bit clunky. At least I’m finding it challenging to use NVDA with it. I’m used to having a learning curve for NVDA use on practrically all new websites I visit. But this forum seems more challenging than even Reddit (and that’s saysing a lot) and The main screen is easy enough. H gets me going through the thread titles just fine. But when I open a thread I H to get to the top of the thread content, but then I have to do about 9 downarrows to get to the the content. Then getting to the next post is okay, but once again tetting to the content of the post requires lots of k and downarrowss in just the right sequence. Seems like a real pain. And then there is the fact that credentials go stale immediately upon leaving. I always have to log back in. Again, more priction. Am I just missing something here?

  • NV
    4 months ago

    I have also not encountered the credentials going stale issue. It might be worth clearing your browser cache (remember when we had to do that to fix ANYTHING? I have barely needed to do that in the last year or so, but it comes up occasionally).

    Re navigating, the list of posts works ok - you can press H to jump from one post to the next. When you actually go into a post, the UI breaks down a bit. Mostly because (for me at least), n doesn’t seem to work to jump to the next non-linked text where it should (as in the body of motobojo’s post, or any replies). The “Skip to content” button also doesn’t seem to work - it comes up as the first item on the page, but you can’t activate it?