… as explained here.

Basically Microsoft presents this “incredible” product, and then says in the same breath: “Oops, not for your current setup. Maybe you should consider buying a new PC?”

Really!? 😠

If only Linux were ready for mainstream use…

  • orclev@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Nah, Linux still only accounts for about 2% of all users on Steam (active per month) so it has a long way to go still, but at least it’s heading in the right direction. If you count only English speaking Steam users that number climbs to over 5%. If Linux can get to and reliably maintain 10% that’s probably good enough to make it a first class target for even AAA releases, but it’s not there yet. The fact that so many games run fine under Linux these days is almost entirely down to the effort Valve has sunk into Proton making it relatively easy for devs to check Steamdeck support off without needing to really put much work in at all.