“The appeals court is expected to rule on the disqualification issue by March 2025, though it could issue a ruling sooner.”

  • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Its provided the appearance of impropriety

    Why does that matter? These fuckers think that a woman having a job is an impropriety.

    I’m dead serious, I just do not get it. It’s like a cyclical argument. Why is this prosecution in trouble? Because they did something that gives Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. What did they do? They gave Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. What was the “ammunition”? The ammunition was the act of giving Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. And on and on

    If she was dating the person who appointed her to the case, sure. Potential for bias/corruption. If she was dating a defense counsel, sure. If she was dating a witness, sure. She was dating another consultant on her own team. Who gives a flying fuck? Would anyone have a problem with a husband and wife team on the same prosecution? They’re working together, there’s no potential for bias or corruption or anything.