So I guess I’m just gonna infodump about my Plurality.

I’ve always been imaginative. At first, I called the people that popped up in my mind OCs because that was all I knew at the time, but my method of ‘creation’ doesn’t mimic typical OC creation, in fact there isn’t any deliberate creation present at all, I can’t control anything about them, they just make and steer themselves. Later I found the Immersive Daydreaming community, and it felt closer to what I was experiencing. That’s also where I found out about plurality, and pondered how it’d apply to me for a long time.

I came up with ‘Reverse Gateway’ to describe myself at first. Meaning, instead of having others arrive from a Gateway into Headspace, I was the one to use the Gateway to another place, Mindscape. Mindscape is approximately equivalent to Innerworld, Headspace, or Paracosm. Technically I do still have a pre-Mindscape Headspace, the Between Place. I didn’t like any of the standard terms like System or Collective, so I came up with Nexus. The Nexus is made up of Nodes. The Nodes are all the perspectives of the Nexus and they are interconnected.

All of this stuff happens interally, beyond that Gateway. The main origin I use is Catharigenic, spontaneous creation, but I am also Neurogenic, plural due to neurodivergence. In specific Synesgenic and Schizogenic, which mean formed by Synesthesia and Schizospecness. Then in a weird loop-around, I am actually Traumagenic as well, because the reason I started to develop interally at all is due to how I coped with and was affected by my trauma.

It’s strange to have such an unusual manifestation of plurality, that lacks many of the common aspects like switching and systemhood, that sysmeds would take one look at and claim I’m making it up, or that I just have an overactive imagination, or that I am psychotic, yet it all still boils down to being caused by the one thing they insist causes plurality, childhood trauma. It makes me want to not identify as traumagenic at all. I don’t need that to be valid.