The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.

      1 year ago

      Women are in the exact same position you are in, with the added disadvantage of being women

      This is your assumption. You are assuming that the men going to the event are average men, which on average are more likely to be employed in tech. I don’t think that’s true in this case, I think it’s mostly desperate people, possibly also from marginalized groups. Looking at the video I see mostly foreigners, possibly in need of a visa to not be kicked out of the country. Keep in mind they paid 600 bucks for a super tiny chance (imagine what are the chances that recruiters at that event will not ignore them because they went there to recruit women).

      Also, reading a bit online it seems that there is always been a percentage of men attending that event.

      I will not address the last paragraph, your suggestion of what “this proves” is completely arbitrary and prejudicial, I won’t say what that proves, instead.