I love Tuxemon! The development is a touch slow, so they could use more people - it’s pretty easy to contribute art or a little bit of code.

Do you have a favorite open source monster, or know of any other open source monster catcher games (doesn’t necessarily have to be a Pokemon-esque clone)? I saw someone trying to make LibreWands here on the fediverse but it doesn’t look like it’s been touched in ten months. Tuxemon on the other hand has recently been updating character customization (you can even play a penguin lol) and bug-fixing, so it’s still ongoing.

My main critique of Tuxemon is I feel like they should really add more types. Yes, it’s super balanced… but that can be a bit boring imo. My second is even when given better art they don’t always update it in the actual game to give a better experience for players.

I think Asudopt
would really fit all the linux users on here lol.

One of my favorites is Vulpyre:
Bigfin is pretty gorgeous and rather original:
And while it is the mascot, I have to say, I like Rockitten.

I also like how some Tuxemon are actually kinda horrifying looking, like: