A real freedom fighter who is being oppressed for standing up for what he believes in.

  • tusker@monero.town
    1 year ago

    If it is extracted at the point of a gun it is theft. Income taxes is the worst one because it is slavery. At least with sales tax I can choose not to buy anything to avoid it.

    The state of everything we see today is exactly because huge sums of money are going to the parasitic state and they fund criminal activities which degrade society. Sending money to war criminals and pedophiles is not “contributing” to society.

    Government should be strictly limited to a handful of essential services and slapped down hard if it tries to expand beyond this.

      • tusker@monero.town
        1 year ago

        Just be reasonable and put on these chains.

        That is the beauty of Monero. We can peacefully rip control back away from the banking elite that have hijacked the state against us. The elites have funded and injected hardcore communist propaganda into the schools and indoctrinated everyone to worship the state knowing full well they have captured the state.

        So ignorant fools end up fighting to expand state power, under the banner of “just be resonable” and in turn ensuring the bankers own them.