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But have you tried calisthenics on weed?
[off topic] Indie comic “Heroes Anonymous” had a great character; Intoxikate was a telepathic drug addict who could mentally project whatever trip she was on to anyone else.
I’m gonna give Kathy the full soap opera while you try to trick a lady with a head injury. We may not be the best people.
But we’re not the worst!
Grad students. Grad students are the worst!
Letsth get startedth
“We should light a candle. I can show you a cool trick.”
I am not sure what’s going on with all of these stoner Beverly memes, but I like it!
Yesterday was April 20 (4/20 -> 420) which is typically associated with stoners and marijuana enthusiasts. Blazin’ Bev took her time, but she finally showed up for the party. lol
It’s me