The truly shocking thing to me is that any voters believe the ISP’s arguments and are … I guess fine with a portion of their monthly bills being earmarked for litigation to make their consumer experience ever worse.

Anyone who thinks internet regulation is a net negative hasn’t tried looking for a job in the past 15 years. Guaranteed full-speed access to job boards is essential in a way that classifieds never managed to achieve.

    7 months ago

    Yeah, that makes sense!I’ve typically found that most of the opportunities I run into that have some promise are through connections more often than directly applying somewhere. Whether that be for housing, jobs, or whatever.

    That or like local places that want local hires; but the bigger the job pool the iffier.

    Funny how we seem to be learning across the board, in every sector, that the thing we’ve all been sold on being a measure of positive economic activity is actually incredibly toxic to ever being able to have anything nice.