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The original was posted on /r/iphone by /u/mooglechoco_ on 2024-03-30 02:22:49.

First off apologies, English is not my first language.

So I switched from Android… And as someone who is kinda artsy and appreciates design, I now fully understand why some people prefer iPhones and will always stick to it.

– Social media, app experience is superior on iOS, especially when uploading photos and videos. Some apps literally have more features on iOS than on Android (TikTok has no dark mode on Android wtf…)

– The iOS version of mobile games are their best version. Never encountered any stuttering, lagging, nor missed touches. No wonder mobile games e-Sports like League of Legends: Wild Rift and Mobile Legends global championships only use iPhones in their official games.

– The design. The consistency in the design. The animations. The fluidity. The iOS/UI/software experience… This part. I swear this is where iPhones shine the brightest. This is where iPhones completely annihilate Androids. If you know, you know. Like I said I’m on the artsy side and I saw how meticulous Apple is when it comes to the aesthetic and the overall experience of iOS. I will mainly focus in this part for this post.

The consistency of rounded corners. How round they are, the radius or something, is consistent althroughout iOS. The keyboard buttons, app icons, widgets, control center, notifications, the app snapshot on the recent apps screen… The radius is consistent. I also like that when you super slowly swipe up to see recent apps, you will see the recent app snapshot’s rounded corners perfectly match the rounded corners of the physical display. It’s satisfying to see. My Samsung isn’t as consistent like that.

Consistency on the font and font size althroughout iOS and its apps definitely add to the aesthetic. My Samsung recently got One UI 6 with the new One UI font and the new font looks nice but in some instances it still uses the old Roboto font. Font sizes are quite varied too. The design inconsistency is lowkey an eye sore for me.

The padding. The consistency in the padding. The layout of iOS and its apps. Okay, I don’t know how to explain this perfectly, but the padding, spacing of everything on iOS adds to the aesthetic. It just looks clean and organized to me idk how? Like Apple software designers really went their way and measured every space and pixel. Spacing on my Samsung with One UI is ok, but it’s def not as clean looking as iOS. iOS apps have a more consistent design language too compared to Android apps.

The fluidity of the animations and the little things in the animations. Animations on iOS are on the slow side and it really took some time for me to get used to them but I like watching them. The animations feel “alive”. I also like the little touches like when you bring down the volume and screen brightness you will see the cute rectangular bubble bounce…

The widgets definitely look more beautiful, professional and classy than the ones on my Samsung; though not as functional as the Android widgets. The iOS lock screen (which Samsung copied recently) looks beautiful and classy too.

Okay this post is already sounding like I’m bashing Samsung and One UI, sorry, but that’s just how I feel. I’m only talking about the software design though, there are still a lot of other elements in a phone.

I miss the fingerprint scanner on my Android. It’s a much faster way of unlocking. Also the most convenient. I was so annoyed with Face ID. There are also some actions which take more taps to do on iOS than on Android. I think iOS just makes some things a bit more complicated to do lol. Or maybe I’m still getting used to it as a long time Android user. But yeah, if I miss one thing, its def how Android does some things easier and faster for me. And oh, I also miss the split screen feature of Android. Bring that shit to iOS NOW!

Wait, I also miss the Android file manager too. And the volume management. And how the notifications are organized (iOS notifications look so messy for me). And the color palette feature.

The aesthetic and app quality on iOS is a nice advantage though, so I’m seeing myself choosing to stay with iOS for now…

    6 months ago

    You are artist it looks like so you are logicly talking about design but didnt talk much about some tehnical stuf that is more my side… I also switched to iphone almost 6 years ago, and wasnt planing to, i just wanted to try it out and see how iphones are, since i already knew android so wery well. And i was wery suprised how ios handles ram managmant, it was waaaaaaay better than on android. Im not sure how is it today on android, didnt play wit them for a while. Hopfuly it got better… But the bigest thing for me besides working better and more stable was that on iphone you get lates system every year when new version comes out, so you use latest os on old phone, and when you switch to new one you just continey to use same os and to get newer versens ewery year. Its much more interesting because os is changing every year and i get the feeling that i get new phone ewery time when new os comes out. On android its boring because you are stuck with the same old os that you bought your phone with. And also on iphone you realy get to know ios realy good and all its secret litle usefull features because you continye to use it with next phone. And on android you get diferent phone with diferent features, many old usefull features are gone or changed to be not wery good anymore, and new features you dont know some are usfull some not as alwayse but you dont have the behavior to use them. On iphone it payesoff when you watch “tips and tricks” video and on android its not realy worth the effort to learn them and get trough prosses of making habbit for them, when you will lose those features with next phone anyway…