• The Picard ManeuverOPM
    246 months ago

    I’m not in IT, but my assumption has always been that someone on the IT side is desperate to keep things simple and is worried about double-checking everything in more than one browser. Or maybe they just don’t want help desk calls from tech-illiterate employees who somehow managed to log in from Netscape.

    • Transporter Room 3
      76 months ago


      There’s a name I haven’t heard since, ohhh… Before my nephew was born.

      I usually assume that’s the case whenever a company says “this browser on a desktop is preferred” but they send me daily personalized emails about it and trying to reinforce “it’s very important that you do it this way” that makes me feel like it’s something else

      If I’m making extra work because forms don’t work right or something, they’re not telling me that. I still wouldn’t download the browsers, but I’d be more empathetic about it (for the guy who has to fix the problems)