“Vi ska värna vårt öppna vårt öppna samhälle. Vi ska inte gömma oss pga terror att skrämma oss till tystnad. En attack riktad mot Sverige och svenska medborgare.” Kristersson säger att vi inte ska vika oss i våra värderingar pga terror. De vill skrämma oss till tystnad och lydnad. Detta kommer inte ske! Säger Kristersson.

Jag tänker bära Sverige tröja idag. Symbolisera ett fritt samhälle då vi lever i en mörk tid. “Vi skall stå upp för våra värderingar. Det är inte vi som skall anpassa oss” citat statsminister.

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The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/theonlythoren at 2023-10-17 09:34:16+00:00.

  • DannebotOPMB
    19 months ago

    CptCarpelan at 2023-10-17 21:42:21+00:00 ID: k5bgguu

    Var det inte någon tysk snubbe som snackade så här på 30- och 40-talet?

    • DannebotOPMB
      19 months ago

      posts_while_naked at 2023-10-17 22:05:57+00:00 ID: k5bk59g

      Lite intressanta uppgifter i och med att du tar upp mustaschmannen från Österrike och hans rörelse:

      A number of high-ranking Nazis expressed their sympathy for Islam. Perhaps most fascinated with the faith — and enthusiastic about what he believed to be an affinity between Nazism and Islam — was Heinrich Himmler. Recounting a meeting between Himmler and Hitler in Berlin in February 1943, Edmund Glaise von Horstenau, a Wehrmacht general, noted that Himmler had expressed his disdain for Christianity, while finding Islam “very admirable.” A few months later, Himmler would again “speak about the heroic character of the Mohammedan religion, while expressing his disdain for Christianity, and especially Catholicism,” wrote Horstenau.

      According to Kersten, Himmler saw Islam as a masculine, soldierly religion, telling him in late 1942:

      Mohammed knew that most people are terribly cowardly and stupid. That is why he promised every warrior who fights courageously and falls in battle two [sic] beautiful women. … This is the kind of language a soldier understands. When he believes that he will be welcomed in this manner in the afterlife, he will be willing to give his life; he will be enthusiastic about going to battle and not fear death. You may call this primitive and laugh about it … but it is based on deeper wisdom. A religion must speak a man’s language.

      Himmler, convinced that Muhammad was one of the greatest men in history, had apparently collected biographies of the Prophet, and hoped to visit Muslim countries and continue his studies after the war was won. In discussions with Haj Amin al-Husayni, the legendary Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who sided with the Axis and moved to Berlin in 1941, from where he called for holy war against the Allies, Himmler lamented the failed invasions by Islamic forces in centuries past which, he said, “depriv[ed] Europe of the flourishing spiritual light and civilization of Islam.”

      After the war, Eva Braun’s sister, Ilse, remembered his frequent discussions on the topic, repeatedly comparing Islam with Christianity in order to devalue the latter. In contrast to Islam, which he saw as a strong and practical faith, he described Christianity as a soft, artificial, weak religion of suffering. Islam was a religion of the here and now, Hitler told his entourage, while Christianity was a religion of a kingdom yet to come — one that was deeply unattractive, compared to the paradise promised by Islam.