What scent is fictional forest
What scent is fictional forest
I didn’t understand it but it was like nothing I’d ever heard before.
Where can I read poetry like this in book form? I love the posts on this community, but I’ve never sought out poetry. Is it a published book by 1 author? Are there works from selected poets? Any recommendations to help me find more content like outside of what contributors to this community post?
Enshrouded too good
That’s a really good point
This isn’t true at all
Edit: well they may be used interchangebly, but they’re also used incorrectly in that case
I don’t think in general the ACAB crowd means “no police”. It means better training, independent oversight, and a division of roles (e.g. social work, welfare check).
Basically actually having accountability would go a long way towards weeding out the root problem
So is Tuba: Terrible Underwater Breathing Apparatus
What’s up with the northern little bit
If you’re interested in a good read check out “Guns, Germs, and Steel”
The point isn’t what the YouTuber thinks but what the YouTuber observed as a matter of fact during testing. Ignore the person, focus on the claim.
Due process is for criminal/civil procedures. 14th amendment is concerned with job eligibility, not a loss of life, liberty, or pursuit of freedom for which due process is inherently provided.
I am not awarded due process when I apply for a new job, nor should I.
Path of exile disagrees