A state senator said during a public forum in Tahlequah that LGBTQ+ people are “filth,” and that he and his constituents don’t want them in “our state.”

  • LocoOhNo@lemmus.org
    7 months ago

    “We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state,”

    Ding, ding, ding…

    There’s your problem, right there. Christians continue to tell us who they plan on attacking next and we, as a society, allow them to continue to be the shittiest human beings on planet Earth, unabated. These people are heavily mentally ill. And they keep… What’s the word they like to use…? “Grooming” kids to make sure the priests and the pastors have a brand new group of idiots for the next generation.

    This has to be stopped. Believing utter bullshit should not be a protected class.

    • cultsuperstar@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I’m really tired of these assholes using religion as a basis to make and change laws. They’re forcing Christianity on everyone else. I guess freedom of/from religion is there with the separation of church and state, in the trash.

      • LocoOhNo@lemmus.org
        7 months ago

        Using religion as a basis to change laws is what they do. It’s why they were threatened, under the penalty of death, by most of the countries in Europe, to leave. Everybody was sick of their shit. Imagine a massive group of Marjorie Taylor Greens. That is what sailed to America. Imagine being a Native American, living your best life, and that is what shows up on your shores.

        This narrative that Christians left to “avoid religious persecution” was started by, you guessed it, the Christians, who are always the “victims” even when they themselves initiated the problem. The truth is, they came here so they could continue to persecute others. How many infected blankets did they hand out to the natives, knowing it would kill them? They have always been terrible people. Always.

        The founding fathers were not even Christians, they were deists. At that time, just like today, you can’t make a law without including the Christians or they’ll destroy society. They have to be getting talked about favorably or they kill everyone around them; the inquisition, the Nazis, etc… All done by Christians. And yet we made them a federally protected class. For what? What warrants that? They aren’t threatened. They’re not a minority class, that is to say, not a small number of the population… They have churches seemingly on every corner in every city and town in the country. Everyone else has to be protected from them.

        And one of the lesser, yet still egregious tactics that they use is to have prayer meetings at public schools and at jobs. I’ve lived in the South my entire life and almost every place I’ve ever worked, there’s been a morning meeting where somebody prays at the end.

        We, as a society, need to reevaluate the need to list religion as a protected class, because let’s face it, the Christians think their religion is the only one that meets that criteria. They are nothing but a federally defended terrorist group.