An image of 6 frosted mini wheats stuck together, the caption saying “Frosted Mega wheat r u fuckine kidding me brah”
Call me when they release the Frosted Giga-Wheat™, which is projected to be the size of Iceland and consists of approximately 5.15 billion wheats.
Does the metric system mean nothing to you?!
That is 5.15 gigawheats.
Elon Musk wants to know your location
We need Protect Terrawheat… Earth sized wheat - make a new continent!
If those people had any sense, they’d release Double-Frosted Mini Wheats (frosted on both sides) and roll in the money Scrooge McDuck style.
Oops all frosting
I’m taking this to the bank.
Why can’t these people get their fucking act together? Each box is only like 60% correctly frosted wheat nugs
Pros: delicious.
Cons: deaf.