Careful with ol Ted there, all his good points were accidental, dude bombed university offices because he heard a plane fly over in the woods.
Maybe pull the fuse for internet
The best thing about Saint Luigi is that one doesn’t have to endorse an incel eco-fascist like Teddy K to call for “direct action.”
I can deal with ad when watching TV or YouTube. But ads in the car, even while stopped, is just begging for someone to get killed. Will never even consider getting a jeep. I’m probably gonna have to get a new car in a couple of years and I want something new, but dumb. I want as little smart shit as possible, which is probably not going to be a thing.
How hard up for money could they possibly be? It’s such an insane move.
“Wanna be furious every time you stop?”
Wait until Musk gets permission to use their Neuralink chips world wide!
Reason 2378 to never buy a Stellantis vehicle
Just Stellantis doing Stellantis things.
We need laws on how intrusive ads are allowed to be. Advertising is out of control. Personally, whenever I see an ad too many times, I make sure to avoid purchasing that item or anything from that company. You’re trying too hard to sell me junk.
“You know all those fake games you keep seeing?! We turned it into a real one that you can actually play! Oh, maybe I can get this machine gun!”
Bro, stop. No. Also, fuck you advertisers.
“how intrusive” ?
We need laws to ban any sort of tracking, profile generation, etc.
Bring back contextual ads. If I’m on a gaming website show me a gaming ad ffs.
Ban advertising entirely.
Vandalize ads where safe to do so.
But then line stops going up, or *shutters at the thought, it could go down
Shudders. Shutters are what people used to have in the US to get through the storms. People thought they were cool so a trend spread. Now almost every house has fake ones. Look on the sides of your windows from outside, ever wonder why that shit was screwed in beside the windows?
Ok, honest question: In a world where all advertising is banned, how do I know who makes something I want/need?
Like, is a website you find in a search result an ad? Is putting something in your local Yellow Pages an ad?
Maybe we need to qualify “No advertising” with something?
No. If you are actively searching for something, and go to a specific place that sells that thing. It is not advertising, the active party is you not them.
The problem is when the active party is the ad-networks, the trackers, the junk pushers.
If I go to a review site, for say lawn mowers, and they say hey brand 1 is great, but brand 2 is better because of ‘reasons’; I am active, engaging in the process. If however, I then go to a site that is about tigers, and brand 3 pushes their ad to intrude on the tiger info…this (in my opinion) is a major intrusion into my private space.
Would you ban television commercials? Sponsored products unrelated to a YouTube video’s content?
I completely agree with you. So tired of pushed garbage ads. There’s just a gray area so the language of a hypothetical “law” would have to carefully considered.
Television ads are a grey area, they don’t tend to track you and follow you around in a creepy way.
Sponsored content, is in my opinion very similar to TV ads, the sponsor is the same for all viewer of the vid in a similar way to TV.
Hear hear
True. Also we need to regulated the spaces that the ads can occupie. Or the possibility that “sky is a billboard” might happen becomes too high
deleted by creator
Same here. Also if the add is : giving an horrible child candy / do they think i am stupid talking / ‘real’ examples
Turning everything you use into a fucking ads platform is peak capitalism. Burn it with fire.
I would never buy a jeep anyways, but thanks for the warning,
It ain’t right.
But i also don’t get why people are still buying Jeeps? Most cursory search while doing research for a new vehicle should bring up red flags quick.
They wave to each other! Owners of Jeeps wave to each other, as if you say, “look we’re both suckers together.” Look up Jeep owners waving.
They give each other ducks…
You’re making the mistake of viewing a car as a reliable means of transport and not a way to show off how cool and rugged you are.
It’s a kink thing you wouldn’t understand
No, that’s an engine knock
Is this real? I’d jail break my car immediately if this happened.
I’d take it back and demand a full refund. This is a dangerous, irresponsible product that does not fulfil the purpose it was marketed for.
Yes, its real
yep, the good thing about capitalism is we can now watch the capital pivot away from jeep 😃
Like when everyone pivoted away from gas stations that play ads on the screens? People will keep buying their emotional support SUVs, they don’t care.
FYI, one of the eight buttons usually mutes the audio. If you press and hold the top two buttons, it goes into service mode and lets you pump gas in peace. The service mode times out eventually.
The person you are trying to call is unavailable. Please try again later.
Did it happen during the test drive before buying?