Elon Musk has called homelessness a “lie” and “propaganda,” claiming advocacy groups profit from maintaining high homelessness rates.
Partnering with Donald Trump, Musk is pushing for drastic federal budget cuts targeting programs for vulnerable populations, including food stamps and healthcare.
Trump’s plan includes forcing unhoused individuals into treatment or institutionalization.
Critics argue these approaches criminalize homelessness while ignoring root causes like lack of affordable housing.
Homelessness in the U.S. has reached record levels, with 650,000 people affected in 2023, prompting calls for evidence-based solutions over punitive measures.
Homelessness couldn’t possibly be the result of late stage capitalism though, right?
It’s a result of any stage of capitalism
Excellent point.
Yeah, during the communist era in my country all the homeless were locked up in prisons.
Pretty sure that’s what their shooting for here as well
At least that gave them shelter, capitalism can’t even do that.
Artificial Scarcity
It’s also interesting to think about the level of artificial unemployment. In theory everyone could work… and a lot less hours, and we would have no scarcity.
We would never do it but I have a theory that we could set aside 20T (less than 1 year of GDP) and it would be enough money to build everyone in the U.S. a house and provide free housing for everyone in America, without ever touching the initial investment, and setting aside 3% to assure if we keep inflation below 3% a year if would cover housing indefinitely. That’s based off the 2.5 people per household average, and building a new house every 30 years at a base price of $250,000. Which at mass production, would be the equivalent of a much more costly house. Could repurpose what we have to house people until everyone got moved in over a generation.
What that does is free up ~$1400-$1900 dollars a month for the average household, and instead of having to stash money in savings over the worries of losing a job and becoming homeless (which stunts the economy), it incentivises people to go eat at a restaurant more often, have a kid they were worried about having, buy nicer things. All of which is spending money and boosting the economy. More kids… Less/near 0 homeless… and booming economy that will offset the original investment. Stress levels down, happiness levels up… which should also mean health issues should decrease.
Who knows…
(That’s over 2T a year being added back into the economy, also we don’t have to build all new, refurbish/keep older homes that people want works as well, figure out solutions that have less impact on the environment, and can plan more walkable, heathier towns when building them)
GDP is not taxed revenue or availability of funds.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all finished goods and services produced within a country during a specific period. (I used gen AI for this paragraph).
According to the CBO, they expect to collect $4.864 trillion in taxes in 2025 (source: ).
Unless you are going to forcibly steal assets from companies (which would lead to amass exodus from the US economy and cause a massive depression) you’d never get 20 trillion.
This idea is a nice thought, but impossible and not how the economy works.
Very nice idea, but that’s assuming the 1% give a fuck about helping people and not having an army of slaves to make everything they want. Why does money have to be involved in feeding or housing human beings?
Elon Musk is a certified piece of shit.
MuskCuntWe’ve all agreed that cunt is not suitable to describe him as, per the Internet, “a cunt has warmth and depth”…two qualities that Elon clearly fucking lacks.
I reserve your definition for vagina or pussy.
Elon is the coarse derogatory dried up sandy rocky Tanami desert Aussie version…
… go on …
…of an arid, sun-baked, sun-cracked, dirty, wheezing, wrinkled up, puckered out, worn down, slunk-meat, distended, coughing out little puffs of dust, cunt— with hair plugs.
We don’t certify pieces of shit.
We just set them on fire.
How many keurigs do he think he weighs?
Lol, Courics! Keurig is a coffee maker whereas Katie Couric is a piece of shit.
😂😂, I hope that’s in the slang dictionary
It totally is:
Ahaha! That’s hilarious. I also meant urbanDic. Thanks for understanding me with my quickly written ‘slang dictionary’ 🙈
He has no moral code beyond what benefits him most. Even centrists have ideals they somewhat stick to. Elon just believes in whatever benefits him most in the moment. I think it is like a character trait almost, he has a great instinct for how to make money with (other people’s) money. Kinda like the world class poker players. Doesn’t mean I admire them, or hold more weight to their opinions.
But people worship famous gamblers Why not someone who looks like they belong in middle stage of an Animorphs cover?
Reread the comment.
Lmao Wow thank you! What a dummy idk if I ever would have caught that!
Is there going to be room in the detention camps for the homeless?
Instead of Jews, it’s Hispanics. Instead of gypsies, it’s the homeless. And instead of trans people…well that one is the same.
What makes you think that Trump intends to spare the gypsies?
We don’t really have Roma people in the US.
But we do have people who can be accused of being Roma, followed by an explanation of why that is somehow bad.
Objective truth no longer has a horse in this race.
Yeah but I don’t think most people in the US know what that is. It wouldn’t be useful to them. If they wanted to demonize someone, they’d call them addicts or illegal immigrants or something.
Most people in the US don’t even know the Roma consider ‘Gypsy’ to be a slur.
They also don’t know that the same slur is used for Irish Travellers. Or that there are such a thing as Irish Travellers.
Bro america has Travelers. They are Roma people. You didn’t know this?
Lolbruh, plenty of room on the cattle cars for all of the above. Maybe I’ll run into you.
It’s so easy to imagine camps where they implant the homeless with a neuralink chip, dress them up in an Optimus suit and put them to work in a mega factory.
I think you would like the movie “Sorry to Bother You”.
I was thinking more of The Black Hole (1979). They used this concept in a way. And that was even a Disney movie.
I loved that movie growing up. Idk if you saw the one I mentioned, but it really has almost everything you talked about in it. Not Optimus suit so much, but the rest.
I’ve seen the Sorry to bother you. I recall the jail/sweat shop thing. Seems like conditions in many Asian places.
Those camps will be the answer to homelessness if these ghouls have their way.
They are having their way, there’s no “if” anymore.
They have to put that concentration of people somewhere.
Aren’t you listening? There are no homeless and there definitely aren’t any detention camps.
What an objectively evil thing to think, let alone say.
“What you actually have are violent drug zombies with dead eyes, and needles and human feces on the street.”
Yo this is the most cartoonish out-of-touch shit take I’ve see. In an election that accused a disenfranchised minority group of eating people’s pets!
So the one thing that differentiates homeless people and CEOs in shit in the street?
It Depends, thank you very much no further questions.
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to shit in the street.
“Have they no refuge or resource?” cried Scrooge.
“Are there no prisons?” said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. “Are there no workhouses?”“If they would rather die, they better do it and decrease the surplus population.”
Fuckin’ hell, fiction is a warning not a guide, you filthy-rich absolute cockwombles.
I seem to recall seeing a Christmas Carol story with Trump when he was last president in which the spirits tried warning him and he didn’t get any of it, thinking that everything was just showing that he’s the greatest. Accurate.
Anyone have a link to this story?
I love it when the educated turn up to comment
How far up the ivory tower do you need to be to ignore homelessness by denying its existence?
It’s an old old myth. Ronald Reagan said that everyone who is homeless in America is by choice since there’s so many shelters and charities already. It’s incredibly out of touch, but today people like Musk brag about their ignorance.
Fuck you, I kinda rely on that shit to feed my family because my employer doesnt give out any annual increases or anything. I also use the state health insurance and my wife uses other government assistance programs. Dudes really just want me to protest outside of the White House.
Dudes really just want me to protest outside of the White House.
Dudes want you to die.
Yeah, he’s going to gas anyone outside the white house. That’s not a bad reason to protest, though, honestly.
I’m afraid that Americans are about to find out that the right to protest isn’t one that fascist dictatorships are too keen on. They really enjoy killing and jailing dissidents, though.
You going to try to get a better job or just keep taking pay decreases year after year?
Apparently no one wants me. Never stopped applying.
Sorry to hear that, I wish you the best.
Can’t he fuck off and die on Mars already?
Someone should tell him that we know more about the mountain and canyons of Mars than we do about the depths of the ocean… and tell him that carbon fiber actually IS the best material for a submarine… and tell him that the best shipwrecks to go to are WW1 military shipwrecks…
If these people really think that all it takes to get wealthy is hard work then they have the chance soon to prove it by going to Mars starting from scratch and see whether they can get themselves wealthy again through hard work. If they don’t I guess they don’t deserve these riches anyways.
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Remember people Luigi didn’t do it and it’s very important that twelve people in either new york or Pennsylvania say the same. But if he did do it, which he absolutely didn’t, I think it was pretty [redacted] (not condoning it 👉👈 unless).
With the insane amount of support he’s gotten, I’ve little doubt there will be copycats attempting to gain their own bit of limelight. Things might get really interesting should they organize into terrorist groups like has happened in so many other countries. Then the US will be one of those “third world shitholes” Trump was complaining about in his first term.
Trump: Making America Galling Again
I’ve little doubt there will be copycats attempting to gain their own bit of limelight.
And this is what worries me. A lot. Because vigilantes get the wrong person all the time and some of them also don’t care if other people get killed. I’ve provided lots of links for this in the past, but it doesn’t seem to convince people that vigilantism can go very wrong in this case as well, so I’m not going to bother doing it again.
The idea that everyone going after a healthcare CEO will definitely hit their target and only their target is now apparently the consensus.
When he called them shitholes, I’m starting to think that might have been geopolitical tsundere.
Musk just went from giant douche to pure evil.
The man is literally insane now.I suppose it’s good he moved to USA, he is fitting in nicely.
Homelessness is a lie and propaganda? That’s news to all the homeless people I used to regularly interact with when I worked down town.
can you imagine how happy they will be? “How did I fall for this? I was really convinced I was homeless!”
“Have you tried living in house?”
Market Capitalism needs homelessness.
If you will not make the owner’s money through labor, You will help them make money as capitalist scarecrows. A warning to any laborer thinking of failing to comply.
You WILL serve the owner’s greed disease, or else.
It would literally be cheaper to house them without conditions than all the conditioned programs and homeless encampment clean up costs.
But that doesn’t send a message of fear.
Herp derp Freedom 🇺🇸
If there’s one homeless person on the street, people will say “they’re lazy, you need to work harder”. If there’s 100 homeless people on the street, people realize “something’s wrong with our society/system”, and demand change.
Kind of like the “self-made billionaire.”
Depose Musk