
Executive summary

The CDC lied. People died.

The COVID vaccine had no benefits

  1. It actually increased your risk of getting COVID. We know that from the Cleveland Clinic study.
  2. It did nothing to reduce your risk of hospitalization. We know that from the data revealed in a study published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist at the VA.
  3. The vaccine did absolutely nothing to reduce your risk of dying from COVID. I’m going to show you that below. It’s crystal clear. Rarely in science do you see anything that is this perfect. In short, the COVID shots were all downside with no benefits. The vaccines and the vaccine mandates cost a lot of people their careers or their lives.

It was a massive con job by the FDA and CDC to make us believe that the vaccines worked when their own numbers show that it didn’t do a damn thing. In fact, I’d bet that they probably didn’t even look at their own numbers from CMS.

No upside, all downside.