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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/E05DCA on 2024-09-20 00:48:50+00:00.

I just found the Ciudad Submergida in Cuba today. I am not an archaeologist, and have absolutely no expertise at reading sonar images, but what I’m seeing looks like… well… a temple complex… a temple complex under, what… 2300 feet of water? This was found by a Canadian company and the Govt. of Cuba in 2001 and was greeted by… crickets. Like basically nobody has gone back to collect more data! WTF? What good are billionaires that build stupid submarines if they’re not trying to break new ground and new territory? Maybe once they’re done imploding, those assholes should make themselves useful instead of going to check out humanity’s greatest underwater monument to hubris. (Speaking of which, why am I just now noticing the irony of that ill-fated voyage…)

Wait a minute… maybe this is a job for the one super rich guy that actually knows how to use a submarine: James Cameron! Can somebody give him a jingle? Like, we need to figure out what this thing is.