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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Voratos on 2024-09-18 03:17:35+00:00.

First of all I want to clarify, I don’t have any hate or prejudice against handicapped or special needs people, I better don’t, since I’m married to one, my wife had a traffic accident a few years ago, shes not wheelchair bound, but she sometimes needs a cane to get around.

Now, to the story, I’ve been a little sick in the stomach for a couple of days, (it starts with D and ends with rrhea) so I didn’t want to get out of the house, but my wife really needed to buy some things and really hates going out by herself so she convinced me to go along with her.

We were in a Wal-mart type store and suddenly, as expected, I felt the urgent need to go to the restroom, I hurry over.

As in many places, the last restroom stall is way bigger than the rest, and while there aren’t any signs to indicate it, it is understood that they are meant for handicapped people so they can maneuver as needed, I usually refuse to use them, but boy was this an emergency!

All the other stalls were taken, I tried holding it and waiting, but they sure were taking their sweet time, so I ended up using the last stall, thinking “what are the odds that someone who really needs it will come right now?”

Lo and behold, shortly after sitting down, I hear a loud bang on the door, I look and can clearly see the wheel under the stall door, and the guy starts loudly yelling “come out! I need to use it! You’re not supposed to be there!”

I should have come out immediately but, you know those people who can’t stop once they get going? Im one of them. I did my thing as fast as possible, but still took me 3 or 4 minutes.

I opened the stall door and there he was: an elderly man (probably 60-65) on a wheelchair, he rolled right in, but not before throwing me a hateful look, I look around and everyone was looking at me, (like four guys among the ones waiting and the ones washing hands, but still) I felt really embarrassed.

I know if this was “am I the asshole?” I would definitely be the AH, I actually felt terrible at the moment, so please be kind.

Tl;dr: It was an emergency so used the restroom stall for handicapped people and an elderly man in wheelchair yelled at me.