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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/NotSureBoutDaWeather on 2024-05-27 22:56:55+00:00.

You ever watched a horror movie that scared you so much that it sort of traumatized you?

I personally only had once but it’s so rare to find and for anyone outside of my country doubly so, it’s a local indie film “Yanggaw” where a family slowly deteriorated due to their daughter’s mysterious disease like affliction which slowly turned her into a ghoul. It involved familial bonds slowly falling apart and the uniqueness of the local provincial culture added to the actors and actresses’ performance made it so believable to me. There’s a scene there that I vaguely remember but it’s very profound and haunts me when I think about it.

But what about you? Doesn’t matter what language, what horror movie horrified you to the bone and why?