Technically the successor owner of the gaming brand.

Epos has announced that it will be exiting the gaming headphone business and will instead focus on enterprise communications products. The company’s gaming products…

  • @navi
    510 months ago

    A lot of haters in this thread but the PC38X (and family of confusing names) has been me, my wife, and my friends go-to head sets for the last five or more years.

    Decent price, quality, weight. Light enough to wear for hours without going sore, but sturdy enough not to snap.

    The quick mute boom mic is awesome and my original G4ME ONE (Lol naming) came with a cheesy USB sound card with sidetone which is a great feature that I still try to get on dac/Amos today.

    I will be pouring one out for my homie tonight.

    • HidingCat
      210 months ago

      PC38X is a reasonable headset, but I’m guessing Epos wanted higher margins but couldn’t get them to stay in the business. As much cachet as the Sennheiser brand might have had, the gaming headset space is pretty competitive and there are plenty of decent headsets for not a lot of money.

      10 months ago

      Not really hating on it. It seems to be pretty good for the quality and price.

      However it is presented by reviewers as having a very tight clamp, which is a huge pain me, wearing glasses…

      It’s also open back wich obviously (I hope), isn’t adapted to everyone.